
  • we literally store memories near related metaphors
  • Complex or abstract thinking becomes simple metaphors — use them intentionally

Keinamen - Thinking Fast & Slow

  • even awareness of bias does not reduce bias
  • Designing systems to challenge bias directly or slow down thinking to reduce it


  • leap of faith
  • Inability to believe


  • will to power
  • shedding slave morality
  • creative destruction


  • whole is more than just sum of part

de Beauvoir

  • we conflate what is socially constructed with what is natural
  • Women are a social construct


  • all empirical knowledge first requires the art of concept creation
  • Ex are photons distinct from or part of the sun? Are colors part of the sunset or separate from? Why?
  • Science can only study defined concepts
  • Beginning and ending of anything is subjective

Team Topologies Wardley Mapping John Cutler

The Taos Upanishads