Continuous Learning

The people who inspire me:

  • Melissa Perri - her podcast is my absolute favorite resource, especially when she answers questions in a “Dear Melissa” session
  • John Cutler - his Beautiful Mess newsletter helped me see myself as a fellow deep thinker product leader (and I subscribe via Omnivore so I can read at my own pace)
  • Shreya - I love his principled approach and thoughtful summaries. He’s inspired me to be clearer in my communication (he calls it “product editing”)

The most influential people I keep an eye on (listening / reading some of their work):

Essential history that filled in a big gap for me:

Digging deeper — this has an infinite amount of stuff to learn:

Educational Resources

Specific to landing a product job:


  • Inspired (by the creator of SVPG)
  • Lean startup

Advanced (and last I knew a core practice at Microsoft):

  • The Customer-Driven Playbook: Converting Customer Feedback into Successful Products

For books, I consider the following great foundational knowledge:

The following is a deep dive on the approach we use
in the developer division for researching and validating products (this
is also a great primer for our interview process):

I also like this book from google, it’s an alternative perspective on the design process with a lot of helpful ideas:


Keep Reading

Revisit regularly

The Lean Analytics Cycle- Metrics Hypothesis Experiment Act - Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik