
I’m obsessed with this imagery and the entire concept of shifting focus from verticality and permanence implied by tree-like structures to the emerging network of relationships of Rhizomes


Deleuze on plane of eminence

Everything is

  • Concepts themselves
  • It’s plane of eminence as a metaphor for the plateau we’re on — time, culture and place
  • Delivered by the conceptual personae (that gives the work context)

Transcendence vs eminence?

  • rejecting the philosophy of it

not the same as existence proceeds essence

  • but looks like the inverse though

Ontology of eminence

  • univocal > one type of being (not a god vs us)
    • creation / emanation / expression can all be creating stories
  • Spinoza first thinker to write this down (and killed for it)

Based on Bergson’s theory of past exists in the present

  • confusing at times because we think in physical means (timeline visual) instead of as temporally (moments like now happening then)
  • “an ontology that instead of reduce being to the knowable, but instead seeks to widen thought to palpate the unknowable” - todd may

Being instead of knowledge or truth …

Superstructure > Marx theory that people who think through the lens of the economic state they’re born into ^ Deleuze rejects this along with other post structuralists

Link to original

Book Quotes

Deleuze and Guattari’s a Thousand Plateaus or this one
